We are a community coalition made up of people who live in or work in Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
Our primary goal is to prevent youth substance use.
We do this through education, advocacy, media campaigns, and environmental change.
Our Mission
Through collaboration with diverse stakeholders, Excelsior Springs SAFE implements community strategies to protect youth well-being and prevent youth substance use.
Who are we?
SAFE is one of the many coalitions across the country working to prevent youth substance use. SAFE is made up of people from all sectors of the Excelsior Springs community: educators, parents, healthcare professionals, youth, law enforcement officers, business representatives, government officials, pastors, and other community members...all volunteering time to help build a strong future for Excelsior Springs youth.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead