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Excelsior Springs SAFE

Community Champion Award

A Monthly Award to Recognize Asset-Builders in our Community

Excelsior springs community champion (2)

SAFE awards the Excelsior Springs SAFE Community Champion Award each month to one adult who is an Asset-Builder in the lives of youth in our community. This award is based on the 40 Developmental Assets identified by the Search Institute.


If you know of an adult who improves the lives of local Excelsior youth by displaying the asset of the month, nominate them today by filling out the nomination form and submitting it online. Find out more about our Asset of the Month by clicking on the Online Nomination Form Below.

Winners will receive online recognition as well as a token of appreciation.


We are thankful for local adults who work to be positive influences in the lives of youth!


Previous Community Champion Award Winners

Kelsey Shook, Excelsior Springs Middle School Counselor

Asset: Peaceful Conflict Resolution


This month, we were honoring an adult who helps youth manage conflict in a peaceful way. Kelsey was nominated by School Resource Officer Officer Nash for going above and beyond to help middle school students learn to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way.

Congratulations, Kelsey! 

Lanie Hurt, Nursing Director Excelsior Springs School District

Asset: Safety


This month, we wanted to recognize an adult who helps local youth feel safe. Nurse Lanie Hurt was nominated by a local youth for the sense of safety that she gives students each day. Lanie's Community Champion nomination was the first ever filled out by a local child. 


Congratulations, Nurse Lanie!

Dr. Christen Everett, Principal of Excelsior Springs High School

Asset: Supportive Adult Relationships


Youth need supportive relationships with non-family adults in their lives. This month, we wanted to recognize an adult who has safe, supportive, and healthy relationships with youth.  Dr. Everett was nominated for the support she gives her students each day. 


Congratulations, Dr. Everett!

Excelsior Springs Early Childhood Center Staff

Asset: Bonding to School


This month, we wanted to honor an adult who helps kids to feel bonded to their school. The Early Childhood Center staff works to help our earliest learners to love learning and feel bonded to school from the beginning of their school experiences. 



Heather Grove, School Counselor

Asset: Positive View of Personal Future


This month, we wanted to honor an adult who helps kids have a positive and optimistic view of their personal future. Heather is a counselor at ESHS who actively supports and encourages kids to pursue post-secondary education and training opportunities. 


Congratulations, Heather! 

Kalyn Goode

Asset: Integrity


This month, we wanted to honor an adult who inspires youth to act with integrity. Kalyn was nominated for her influence in the lives of children through her business, Scissors and Shears, and her other community work such as being on the School Board.  


Congratulations, Kalyn!

Roberta Hammer, Art Teacher

Asset: Creative Arts


This month we wanted to honor an adult who helps give youth opportunities in the area of creative arts. Roberta has taught an art class and art camp at the Good Samaritan Center for years, giving youth opportunities to develop and grow their talents. 


Congratulations, Roberta!

Darla Sims, Preschool Teacher

Asset: Helps Build Self-Esteem


This month we wanted to honor an adult who helps build self-esteem in the youth around them. Darla was nominated because she helps build self-esteem in her preschoolers at Treehouse Preschool!


Congratulations, Darla!

Michelle Huettenmueller, 5th Grade Teacher at Westview Elementary

Asset: Community Service


One of the 40 Developmental Assets is that youth engage in community service one or more hours per week. We wanted to honor an adult who encourages youth to serve the community. 


Congratulations, Michelle!

Taran Svoboda

Asset: Caring Neighbor


This month, we wanted to honor a neighbor who makes an extra effort to support and care for the young people in their neighborhood. An important asset for young people to thrive is to feel the support of caring adults, even beyond their immediate family.


Congratulations, Taran!

Cheryl Bailey, Library Media Specialist at Westview Elementary

Asset: Adults who inspire children and teens to read for pleasure.

Reading for pleasure positively influences a young person's development and helps them become a responsible and productive adult.

Congratulations, Cheryl!

Kayla Stone, Student Council Sponsor and 3rd Grade Teacher at Lewis Elementary

Asset: Adult leaders and coaches of youth programs


Youth who spend 3 or more hours per week participating in youth programs such as sports, clubs, or other organizations learn valuable skills to last a lifetime. The adults who lead these programs are invaluable!


Congratulations, Kayla!

Hillary Mullin, Excelsior Springs Middle School Nutrition Services

Asset: Positive Adult Role Model

Adult role models demonstrate positive, responsible behavior. They have high standards for themselves and adhere to them even when it's not easy. 


Congratulations, Hillary!

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